Investment Strategies

Managed Portfolios
Our Managed Portfolio provides investors with an optimal risk-reward dynamic while employing sector-emphasis methodology.

Individual Stock Portfolios
An individual stock portfolio seeks to own companies that exhibit positive price momentum alongside attractive fundamentals.

Fixed Income Portfolios
Fixed Income strategies can provide the opportunity for steady cash flow and price stability, even during periods of market turbulence.
Bryan Foronjy, CFP®
Principal Wealth Manager
Bryan helps clients design a customized vision for retirement by listening, asking insightful questions, and offering sound advice drawing from nearly two decades of professional experience in the financial services industry.
Casey Marks
Wealth Manager
As a Wealth Management Advisor at Foronjy Financial, Casey brings his depth of industry knowledge, strong work ethic, and his positive attitude to the team.
Chris Bradley, CFA®
Wealth Manager Assistant
As Wealth Manager Assistant Chris has a wide variety of responsibilities including Client Service, Account Rebalancing, Compliance Supervision, and Firm Operations. He also holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).
Jennifer Foronjy
Director of Client Relations
As the Director of Client Relations at Foronjy Financial, Jennifer focuses her time and energy on creating an authentic, world class experience for all clients.
Olivia Huebner
Wealth Manager Assistant
Olivia serves as a Wealth Manager Assistant in our Santa Barbara office where her duties include client outreach, compliance oversight and account maintenance. Olivia graduated from Westmont College where she studied Economics and Business.
Bryan Foronjy (@centralcoastcfp) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Bryan Foronjy (@centralcoastcfp). Bryan Foronjy is the founder of Foronjy Financial (Santa Barbara & SLO County), Member San Luis Obispo, CA