Account Login

LPL Financial Account Login
LPL Financial provided our Clients with unbiased research as well as their latest version of the online Account View 2.0 Investor Portal where you can view Balances, Performance, Statements, Tax Documents and more.
Make sure set up your paperless settings so that you only receive the types of documents in the mail that you want, and nothing that you don't. Reach out with any questions.

Fidelity Account Login
We've partnered with Fidelity Investments to offer their website and custodial services to clients of Foronjy Financial. We remain your single point of contact for all service issues and money management oversight, but for logging in you'll go directly to Fidelity's main website to see balances and statements anytime.

Retirement Planning/Budget Portal
If you were looking for the online portal to access your Retirement Plan and Budget Tracking features of Money Guide Pro Software, then you'll need to find our separate landing page called Retirement Plan Login which can be found by clicking the link below.