Foronjy Family Update Springtime 2023

Puzzling on a Rainy Day
A rainy winter with three active kids proved to be a time to find new hobbies - Jen and the kids have really enjoyed puzzling together!

Doing a 5k Run on a Sunny Day
The whole family (even Grandpa and Grandma) participated in a 5k to support a local elementary school PTA. Grandpa placed 2nd overall with Jackson not too far behind. Everyone completed the race and had fun.

Birthday Outing for Our 9 Year Old
On her 9th birthday, we surprised our big girl with a trip to a local clay and pottery class. She had a wonderful time sculpting and spending special time with mom and dad.

First Time Trying a Throw Wheel
Every so often I get to step out of my world of numbers and finance to enjoy how the other side lives....and it was fun!

Madonna Inn Staycation
Every so often we get to enjoy staying at the Madonna Inn, with it's fun and unique rooms and Disneyland vibe.

Huge Heart Around this Family
In addition to providing great service, our waiter offered to take a cool family portrait through their booth cutout at Madonna Inn.

Young Scientist in the Making
Our oldest spent months preparing his science project for the fair, and it was a smash hit. Jackson tested whether the temperature of a Neodymium magnet affects its strength - and it does! The colder the magnet the stronger.

Play at the Patages Theater
We took the kids to see the Lion King at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. The costumes, singing, and story were incredible!

Winding Down Basketball Season
I really enjoyed coaching both of my 2 big kids in basketball this season. Both kids developed their skills and had a great time with their teams. Here is Bailey representing her team - the French Fries.

Winding Up Baseball Season
As I wind down coaching rec ball, Jen is winding up. She is coaching the two littles and our biggest is playing on the Reds. Here they all are at Opening Day ceremonies.