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Foronjy Family Update (Winter)

Clients are like family to us

Clients are like family to us

Jen, Casey and I had so much fun hosting our clients at the Painted Cabernet for an evening of art and fun!

Winter gathering in Santa Barbara

Winter gathering in Santa Barbara

We had so much fun, we decided to do it 2 nights in a row.  Can't think of a better group of people to spend time with!

Making a list, checking it twice.

Making a list, checking it twice.

Every year, Jen puts together a Holiday box of locally produced goodies for our clients and friends.

Who doesn't love a little helper?

Who doesn't love a little helper?

Jen does not do it all alone - she has some excellent helpers. Sawyer made sure each box had what it needed...and occasionally a rogue LEGO snuck in as well.

It takes a village

It takes a village

As you can see, these boxes require quite an assembly line to organize and we couldn't do it without the kiddos.

Weeks in the making

Weeks in the making

Taking frequent breaks was a good strategy for making sure we didn't burn out after long shifts of packing boxes. Sheldon, one of our cats tends to "help" by sitting directly on top of the boxes.

Thanksgiving Feast!

Thanksgiving Feast!

We were honored to host around 30 people for Thanksgiving - we had a wonderful time cooking, visiting, and being grateful together.

Searching for the right tree

Searching for the right tree

Our kids really love getting the pick of the litter for trees very shortly after Thanksgiving.  As you might guess, coming to a consensus with three very strong willed and opinionated children can be a challenge, but the outcome is always great.

Time to open it up

Time to open it up

As the kids snip open the tree netting, my mind always turns to the scene from Christmas Vacation where it bursts open and the squirrel runs around the house!

Presents Opening

Presents Opening

In our home we emphasize that it's the season of giving, but hey, it's kind of fun to receive gifts too.

Hail in our front yard?

Hail in our front yard?

It sure doesn't happen very often, but we had hail at our house and they were the size of  marbles!

Go Argentina!

Go Argentina!

Our house was World Cup Crazy for several weeks leading up to a wild Championship match!

Winter Piano Recital

Winter Piano Recital

Every December, we gather with our piano family at a sweet little cafe and listen to the kids perform their pieces. We are so lucky to have such an inspiring teacher for the kids.

They brought the house down!

They brought the house down!

All 3 kids performed their holiday pieces infront of a large audience. Here is Jackson playing "Carol of the Bells".

First time on an airplane!

First time on an airplane!

In early January the kids traveled for their first time on a plane! They were incredible travelers and had such a great time.

On our way to Cancun

On our way to Cancun

A good friend of ours got married so we had the perfect excuse to join them in Mexico with the whole family!

They don't have water like this in CA

They don't have water like this in CA

The kids were amazed at how the water looks in Mexico compared with turquoise.

Ancient Ruins of Tulum

Ancient Ruins of Tulum

We left the resort for a day and drove south to Tulum for some culture and adventure. We had an amazing guide that taught us about the Mayan community that lived in Tulum.

Airplane Art by Sawyer

Airplane Art by Sawyer

On our flight home from Mexico, our little guy drew a picture of our adventure on a plane.....priceless.

And then he was 5

And then he was 5

As the old saying goes, the days are long but the years are short. In what felt like a blink of an eye, our tiniest guy is now 5! He had a celebration with his family and his neighborhood family (our wonderful neighbors) with an ice cream sunday bar instead of a cake.

Students of Jiu Jitsu

Students of Jiu Jitsu

Bailey is back on the mats at jiu jitsu after a soccer season break. 

Sawyer's first jiu jitsu class

Sawyer's first jiu jitsu class

As is typical with the youngest, he wants to do what his older siblings do, so the day he turned 5 he was ready to roll...literally!